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External Shipping Rates

Bold Checkout merchants on Adobe Commerce can use third-party shipping integrations with no additional configuration. By installing the Bold Checkout Extension and a shipping extension, such as ShipperHQ, a store can use Bold Checkout without sacrificing their shipping customizations.

The following diagram shows how Bold Checkout and Shipper HQ interact:

Potential use cases

ShipperHQ provides a robust shipping experience. Use cases for ShipperHQ include:

  • Set rules based on geographic zones, specific products, price, weight and more.
  • Surcharge or discount your live and custom rates.
  • Offer free shipping based on conditions you choose.
  • Set promotions for a specific range of time.
  • Restrict shipping options for specific goods or locations.


Use the following instructions to set up Bold Checkout with Shipper HQ:

  1. Identify which Bold Checkout configuration you want, and follow the appropriate installation instructions.
  2. Install the ShipperHQ extension on your Adobe Commerce store.
  3. Create a website in your Shipper HQ configuration.
  4. Connect and configure your ShipperHQ extension.

Bold Checkout supports only ShipperHQ's core functionality automatically. Advanced functionality may require customization.

Need help?

If you have any questions while using this solution, reach out to Bold's Customer Success team or the ShipperHQ support team.

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