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Ecommerce Platform with Magento 1

Bold provides a Magento 1 extension that equips merchants with a world-class checkout experience and enables them to maintain proper PCI compliance.

Adobe ended support for their Magento 1.x ecommerce platform on June 30, 2020. Since that date, Magento 1 merchants have been responsible for their own security and fraud compliance.

The Bold Checkout solution for Magento 1 enables merchants to maintain their PCI compliance while avoiding the pain and cost of re-platforming.

Bold provides the following configuration options for your Magento 1 store. For more details on each, refer to the Magento 1 Overview.

  • Bold-Hosted Checkout
  • Dual Checkout

Potential use cases

Use cases for Bold Checkout on your Magento 1 store include:

  • Maintain PCI compliance.
  • Replace your checkout without needing to replatform.
  • Make customizations to your checkout experience.
  • Easily integrate a new checkout experience (Bold-Hosted Checkout)
  • Run Bold Checkout in parallel to your existing checkout (Dual Checkout).


To set up Bold Checkout on Magento 1, follow the installation instructions.

Need help?

If you have any questions while using this solution, reach out to the Customer Success team.

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