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3 docs tagged with "Coalition Technologies"

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Abandoned Cart Flow with Coalition Technologies

According to the Checkout Benchmark, top-performing checkouts on desktop have a 73% completion rate, while low-performing checkouts are as low as 33%. One key strategy for improving this number is reaching out to customers that abandon their carts.

Pre-Purchase Upsell Flow with Coalition Technologies

Ecommerce stores must be creative when finding ways to increase the average order value. One of these ways is to create a pre-purchase upsell: an opportunity for the customer to add an additional item to their order from inside the checkout, without the need to leave the page.

Purchase from Blog Flow with Coalition Technologies

Customers visit an ecommerce site for a variety of reasons — one of which is to do research or read recommendations. By including purchase opportunities within your blogs and other content, you create a powerful way to increase conversion and average order value.