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View Future Orders

Future orders are upcoming orders for a subscription. This functionality is useful for inventory forecasting and shipping/billing analytics.

To view future orders, including the adjustments made to them, use the Future Orders endpoints.


The future order endpoints are at the shop-level, which means you can paginate through and query all active subscriptions. There are two kinds of filters: by date range, and by subscription.

For more information on query filters, see the Query and Pagination reference page.

Querying all active subscription orders

The List Future Orders endpoint allows users to query and filter all active subscription orders in a shop, regardless of the subscription ID.

The following table shows the available date range filters:

order_datetime- gte
- lte
Filter orders before or after the order_datetime value.


Return all orders before a specific date:

curl --request GET '{shop_identifier}/future_orders?filter=lte(order_datetime:2022-05-10T23:59:59)'

Return all orders after a specific date:

curl --request GET '{shop_identifier}/future_orders?filter=gte(order_datetime:2023-01-01T59:59:59)'

The following table shows the available subscription filters:

id- equal
- in
Filter orders with the given id.
bold_customer_id- equal
- in
Filter orders with the given bold_customer_id.
payment_method_token- equal
- in
Filter orders with the given payment_method_token.
sca_url- null
- nnull
Filter orders by the given sca_url if it's null/not null.
next_processing_datetime- gte
- lte
Filter orders before or after the next_processing_datetime value.
updated_at- gte
- lte
Filter orders before or after the updated_at value.
created_at- gte
- lte
Filter orders before or after the created_at value.
status_changed_at- gte
- lte
Filter orders before or after the status_changed_at value.
subscription_status- eq
- in
Filter orders with the given subscription_status.


Return all orders with a specific bold_customer_id:

curl --request GET '{shop_identifier}/future_orders?subscription_filter=eq(bold_customer_id:3623267)'

Return all orders created before a specific date:

curl --request GET '{shop_identifier}/future_orders?subscription_filter=lte(created_at:2023-01-01T59:59:59)'

Querying orders by subscription ID

The List Future Orders by Subscription ID endpoint allows users to query and filter orders for a specific subscription.

The following table shows the available date range filters:

order_datetime- gte
- lte
Filter orders before or after the order_datetime value.


Return orders for a subscription before a specific date:

curl --request GET '{shop_identifier}/subscriptions/{subscription_id}/future_orders?filter=lte(order_datetime:2024-05-10T59:59:59)'