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This page includes instructions for addressing common bugs and known issues with the Bold Checkout extension on Magento 1.

Integration authorization failed

Problem: When you attempt to authorize the Bold Checkout extension in the Magento 1 admin, an error appears saying the "Integration authorization failed."

Integration authorization failed

Solution: Follow the steps below to re-authorize your integration.

  1. Navigate to Bold Account Center and create a new API access token. Make sure to save your new API access token.
  2. Delete the current integration.
    1. In the Magento 1 admin, navigate to System > Configuration, and click Checkout in the Sales section of the left-hand menu.
    2. In the Current Configuration Scope drop-down menu, select Main Website. Screenshot of configuration scope dropdown
    3. Expand the Bold Checkout Platform Connector Integrations drop-down. Click Delete Integration.
    4. Click the Save Config button at the top of the page.
  3. Flush the Magento cache.
    1. Navigate to System > Cache Management. Screenshot of the Cache Storage Management page in the Magento Admin Panel
    2. Click the Flush Magento Cache button.
    3. Click the Flush Cache Storage button, then click OK on the confirmation pop-up message.
  4. Navigate back to the Checkout configuration page.
    1. Expand the Bold Checkout Integration section, and supply your new API access token.
    2. Click the Save Config button at the top-right corner of the page.
  5. Expand the Bold Checkout Platform Connector Integrations drop-down. Click Authorize. Screenshot of authorize flow