This page includes instructions for addressing common bugs and known issues with the Bold Checkout extension on Magento 1.
Integration authorization failed
Problem: When you attempt to authorize the Bold Checkout extension in the Magento 1 admin, an error appears saying the "Integration authorization failed."
Solution: Follow the steps below to re-authorize your integration.
- Navigate to Bold Account Center and create a new API access token. Make sure to save your new API access token.
- Delete the current integration.
- In the Magento 1 admin, navigate to System > Configuration, and click Checkout in the Sales section of the left-hand menu.
- In the Current Configuration Scope drop-down menu, select Main Website.
- Expand the Bold Checkout Platform Connector Integrations drop-down. Click Delete Integration.
- Click the Save Config button at the top of the page.
- Flush the Magento cache.
- Navigate to System > Cache Management.
- Click the Flush Magento Cache button.
- Click the Flush Cache Storage button, then click OK on the confirmation pop-up message.
- Navigate back to the Checkout configuration page.
- Expand the Bold Checkout Integration section, and supply your new API access token.
- Click the Save Config button at the top-right corner of the page.
- Expand the Bold Checkout Platform Connector Integrations drop-down. Click Authorize.